Valentine’s Day


By: J. Wyatt Wimberly, Esquire

As a married man, I often quip that “every day is a lesson in what not to do,” when asked about what it’s like to practice divorce law. This is true to some extent, but I have also gained a great deal of insight about what TO do. One of the most basic human inclinations is the desire to feel importance. As Valentine’s Day is upon us, this is a reminder to remind your loved ones of their importance; not just today, but every day. This sentiment resounds across all social relationships, but with emphasis on familial relationships, remember to reassure your child(ren), Husband, Wife, Mother/Father of your child(ren) of their importance with regard the role they play in your life and in the lives of others you care about. At the end of the day, I would much rather see you and your loved ones thrive in healthy co-existence than to ever have to walk through my door.

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